My music magazine reader: Jermaine is in his late teenage years age 18 and has a passion and drive for music. Has a young man he had attempted to record music tracks of his own and put them on YouTube for friends and other music fans to view and get feedback. Jermaine is inspired by R&B/Hip-Hop music and his pursuing his dream of an artist by devoted half of his college money as a student to buy albums of coming up artist and artist that already made it. Jermaine is an A level student studying media, dance and performance, business and art. He also has a collection of mix tapes and has attended many music concerts with his friends. His friends know how to socialise with him as Jermaine will only be friends with you if you have rhythm and same interests as him. There have been occasions where Jermaine invites his friends over to his parent’s house and has given them a performance of his own. As a teenager he is also interested in playing his playstation saving some money for the latest call of duty game, computer as one of his crucial ways of socialising with his friends, going cinema with friends to watch the latest films, very active in college by taking part in sports and making the college football team and always up late to watch TV.
My music magazine will be designed in the interest of Jermaine as my music magazine will involve a female artist in the front cover as the main image and cover lines will be based around the lives of artists and how they became who they are now. There will be bonuses and gifts relating to gaming, computer, films and sports which will target my music audience such as Jermaine. I have designed my music magazine with a sexy photograph of an artist as my main image which attracts my target audience as most of them buy magazines because of who is in the front cover and the quality and posture of the picture.
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