Friday, 30 March 2012


 not used because of the                           unwanted background is                           prefer seeing the
shadow.                                                     visible.                                                      models face.

 unwanted background is                          doesnt appeal to my magazine.             unwanted background
visible.                                                                                                                    is visible.

 gives the wrong idea of                   wrong choice of models             picture was manipulated to make
genre to my magazine.                                                                        background/image more attractive.

 wrong choice of models                         props are disturbing the image           lost interest in the image.

                             used picture                                         
                                                                                                                     used and manpulated picture
used and unmanipulated picture.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your beautiful images with us. YOu are looking like a rock star really.:) I also enjoy listening music in the evening. Wish you good luck for your life. Cheers!
